Tuesday, December 23


Assalamualaikum readers , 

This is examples of persuade


Topic                      : Year 2020 we will rely on robots
General purpose       : To persuade
Specific purpose       : To persuade people why we rely on robots
Central Idea             : These are people rely on robot because is for good environmental and economical in worldwide, robot can be assistants, companions, therapist and even friends and entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future.

Opener building
     Technology nowadays was trending in worldwide. These new generations were too many gadgets and compete with other company. In other words, technology nowadays can replace by human do.  As we know, robots began as entertainment for royalty. People will able to purchase a robot.  In future 2020 will be dawn of nanomobility era. Somebody or some group may call it something else by then, but whatever it may be called in the future, you need to be ready for it now. So now I want to persuade people why 2020 we rely in future on robots.
I believe that 2020 we will rely on robot in future.
Today we will learn why people rely on robot in future.
1.    For good environmental and economical in worldwide.
2.    Robot can be man best friends.
3.    Entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future.
Transition : Ok , lets start by first looking is good environmental and economical in worldwide.
Main point 1: For good environmental and economical in worldwide
1.    Robot will simply replace people on the job.
2.    The number of working-age adults was drops.
3.    Robot power will be in our knowledge and the ability to integrate and exploit the new affordances provided to us by our technology.
Transition: Now you understand exist of robot can get good environmental and economical worldwide. Lets continue with robot can be man best friends.

Main point 2: Robot can be man best friends
1.    To assist humans by taking on the jobs that is dirty, dull or dangerous.
2.    It can help people every day and can save time working.
3.    Robot can perform their jobs nonstop, turning manufacturing and industry into 24-hour facilities.
Transition: As you can see robot can be man best friends. Now, lets proceed with entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future.
Main point 3: Entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future
1.    It can influential in the media and profitable.
2.    Perform a variety of jobs without the necessity of specialization.
3.    Robots become superior to mankind.
Transition: Now you understand why we rely on robot, so our discussions complete.
You should understand why 2020 we rely on robots:
1.    For good environmental and economical in worldwide
2.    Robot can be man best friends.
3.    Entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future
In conclusion , as we know we discuss about why 2020 we rely on robots which is the future technology comes for good environmental and economical in worldwide , robot can be man best friends and entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future. Focus today is about future of the technology to successfully deliver quality robots to our market.

     Technology nowadays was trending in worldwide. These new generations were too many gadgets and compete with other company. In other words, technology nowadays can replace by human do.  As we know, robots began as entertainment for royalty. People will able to purchase a robot.  In future 2020 will be dawn of nanomobility era which is somebody or some group may call it something else by then, but whatever it may be called in the future, you need to be ready for it now. However, the 20th century featured a boom in the development of industrial robots. Through the rest of the century, robots changed the structure of society and allowed for safer conditions for labor. Next,  that too many reason why 2020 we will rely on robots such as for good environmental and economical in worldwide , robot can be man best friends and entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future. So now I want to persuade people why 2020 we will rely on robot.
Ok , lets start by first looking at good environmental and economical in worldwide.
    Most common prediction in 2020 is we can get a good environment and economical in worldwide. Central power generation future will not be needed if we use 100% trusted working of robot. In our changes of technology robot will simply replace people on the job. For example, robot have taken over the duties of dangerous and mundane jobs from humans and also allowing greater productivity. With our aging population we can expect greater challenges in improving the quality of life will take place. Next , the number of working-ages was drops. This is because too many factories that believe that robot will give satisfaction doing works. For example, the medical community uses robots to perform delicate operations difficult for a human hand. Robots have joined the workplace and society as a whole in a capacity. Furthermore, our power will be in our knowledge and the ability to integrate and exploit the new affordances provided to us by our technology. So , the rate of unemployment with highly increase. In future, good environment and economical in worldwide will give impact various aspect in our lives.
Now you understand exist of robot can get good environmental and economical worldwide. Lets continue with robot can be man best friends.
     Many contributors expect that robot can be man best friends. This is because man is expert on information technology than women in nowadays. The robot will be used as therapists, companions, assistants, and even friends to help people in their every day. For example , robot is a main position in society are in a capacity to assist humans by taking on the jobs that are dirty, dull or dangerous. Beyond the factory floor, robots have been instrumental in space exploration and performing other tasks that would be impossible for humans to accomplish. Next, the existence of robot will help us to saving the time working. This is how used of robot. In addition, robot can perform their jobs nonstop, turning manufacturing and industry into 24-hour facilities. It's assumed that the continued expansion of robotics within the workplace will continue, possibly at the cost of many service and manufacturing jobs.
As you can see robot can be man best friends. Now, lets proceed with entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future.
     One concern of developing robotic technology and computers is entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future. The technology to successfully deliver quality robots to these markets is still lacking, although many believe we are in the early stages of developing the platforms needed to achieve these goals. It can influence the media and profitable for toy manufactures. For example, predator, transformer and else will be the most profitable in future toy manufacturer. Next, perform a variety of jobs without the necessity of specialization. This is household appliances that have been turned into robotic hybrids of previous technology, including toasters, microwaves and stoves. In addition, robot can become a superior to mankind. This has continued with whole factories beginning to be automated. As a result, robots will the most profitable in the near future.
Now you understand why we rely on robot, so our discussions complete.
     In conclusion, as we know we discuss about why 2020 will rely on robots which is future technology comes for good environmental and economical in worldwide , robot can be a man best friends and entertainment robot will be the most profitable in the near future. Focused on today is about future of the technology to successfully deliver quality robots to our market about life in 2020 from a wide range of thinkers and doers in the technology sector. The impact of economy is unknown , some technologies predicts that robot will be working in agriculture , medicine and domestic care. This will make robots or computers more advanced than human being so it can be a new advancements that people will be unable to comprehend in future 2020.
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